What's Happening These Days

It feels like very little of note is happening this summer. Just got in all of my rejection email from the shows I auditioned for this season. In some ways the constant rejection gets easier, but the more I audition the better I get which means the rejection kind of scales with my skill level. In short: I'm bummed out. My day job has also gone down to twelve hours a week which means I've got lots of time to stew, but more free time for tending to my garden. I've harvested my radishes, most of my first crop of spinach, and some of my buttercrunch lettuce. My peas are almost to the top of their trellises, and I'm regretting not shelling out for taller ones. I still have to thin out my carrots more, because I discovered why you have to do that with my spinach and radishes (they started bolting FAST). I've got at least six different kinds of tomatoes growing, some of which I bought from City Street Farms, some from my spouse's co-worker, and six from mine. Rounded out my garden with cilantro, basil, and rainbow chard... my ancient beet seeds that I found in the shed were a bust.

I just turned 35 on July 4th, and am feeling the same as ever... apart from getting bangs again. They've taken a few weeks to get used to, but the haircut is still a lot shorter than I was envisioning.

A photo of the author with bangs and a bob
They're fine!